Emergency department Stung Treng Referral Hospital
- Definition
- Classification or degree of sepsis
- Etiology
- Diagnosis
- Management
- Monitoring
Inflammatory Response Syndrom
criteria: two or more of:
•Temperature more than 38 C or less than 36 C
Rate more than 90/min
rate more than 20/min
> 12,000/mm3
- 4,000/mm3
including any other type of inflammation like burn, trauma, SLE, Thyroid storm…
Classification of degree of sepsis:
- Sepsis
- Severe sepsis
- Septic shock
2. Severe sepsis:
Sepsis + one of the following signs of:
- Area of mottled skin
- Capillary refill > 3seconds
- Urine output less than 0 -.5-1ml per hour
- Mental status change brutally
- Platelet < 100,000/ml
- Disseminated intravascular coagulation
- Acute respiratory distress syndrom (ARDS)
+ Hypotension
Artery Pressor(MAP) less than 60mmHg
Artery Pressor(MAP) less than 80mmHg (HTN patient)
Risk factors:
- Compromised immune system: HIV, Cancer, Diabetic...
- Very old and young patient
- Uncompleted antibiotherapy
- Associated with many health problem...
- Respiratory focus
- Abdominal source
- Urinary focus
- Septic arthritis
- Bacteria meningitis
- Skin and soft tissue infection
- Staphylococcus aureus (Rarely non aureus staphylococci)
- Streptococci (Pneumococcus and other)
- E-Coli and other Enterobacteriacease (Klebsiella sp, Enterobacter sp.)
- Salmonella Typhi/Paratyphi A and non-typhoid Samonella
- Burkhoderia pseudomallei (Melioidosis)
Clinical argument:
- Predisposing condition: Underlying disease that cause immune deficiency (Diabetic, HIV, steroid use, liver cirrhosis, chronic renal disease, cancer, chemotherapy...)
- Clinical syndroms/sign: Present of SIRS criteria's plus other soft infection:
- Respiratory focus: tachypnea (RR>25/min), signs of consolidation (decrease Breathing sound/vocal vibration, crackle, localized dullness...)
- Urinary tract infection (UTI): dysuria, urinary frequency and urgency, abdominal pain, altered mental status...
- Septic arthritis: A warm, swollen and painful join(s) with restricted movements...
- Bacteria meningitis: Classic triad (Fever, headache, neck stiffness), Bruzenski's sign, Kernig's sign...
- Skin and soft tissue infection: Skin lesion, cutaneous hemorrhage, blister with dark fluid...
- CBC, Creatinine, Urea, electrolytes, transaminase, blood sugar.
- Blood culture
- Urine analysis, urine microscopic, urine culture
- CSF examination or CSF culture
- Pus culture
- Malaria smear
- Serum amylase (if suspect pancreatitis)
- HIV Test
- Chest X-Ray
- Abdominal ultrasound
- Stabilize the patient:
- Stabilize the patient according to ABC (Air ways, Breathing, Circulation)
- IV Fluid resuscitation: NSS or Ringer Lactat
- 20 - 60ml/kg for the first 6 hours (Max 4 - 6L over 24h
- Dopamine 5micrograme/kg/min (max 20 micrograme/kg/min) if IV fluid challenge is unsuccessful at least 3 - 4L in the first 1 - 2h
- If have signs of Disseminate Intravascular Coagulation (DIC) or hypoxia should be transfusion even Hemoglobin > 7g/dl
- The goal of fluid resuscitation:
- Improve vital signs
- Urine output > 0.5 - 1ml/h
- Sepsis from respiratory focus:
- 1st line: Amoxicilline - clavulanic acide: 1000/250mg q4-6h (IV)
- 2nd line: Ceftriaxone: 2g qD (IV)
- If severe sepsis with ARDS: add Gentamicine: 1-2.5mg/kg/dose q8h - q12h (IM/IV)
- Sepsis from abdominal source:
- 1st line: Ceftriaxone: 2g qD (IV)
- 2nd line: Amoxicilline - clavulanic acide: 1000/250mg q4-6h (IV)
- If severe sepsis or septic shock: add Gentamicine: 1-2.5mg/kg/dose q8-12h (IM/IV)
- Sepsis from urinary focus:
- 1st line: Ceftriaxone: 2g qD (IV)
- If severe sepsis or septic shock: add Gentamicine: 1-2.5mg/kg/dose q8-12h (If renal function work well)
- Septic arthritis:
- 1st line:
- Cloxacilline: 2g q4H (IV) + Ampicilline: 2g q4h or Penicilline 4MIG q4h (IV) + Gentamicine loading dose 3mg/kg IV then 1mg/kg q8h
- Sepsis by bacteria meningitis:
- 1st line: Ceftriaxone: 2g q12h (IV)
if very young or very old and immune deficiency patient: add Ampicilline: 2g q4h (IV) - Dexamethazone: 8-10mg q8h IV for 5 days
- Skin and soft tissue infection:
- Cloxacilline: 2g q6h (IV)
- In case Penicilline allergy: Limcomicine 600mg q8h (IV)
- If suspect melioidosis:
Ceftriaxone: 2g q8h (IV)
Cotrimaxazole 8/40mg/kg q12h (PO) Plus Folic acide 5mg qD (PO)
•Clinical monitoring:
–Urine output
–Vital signs, Consciousness level
–Blood sugar: if BS > 150mg/dl
(finger stick)
•Laboratory monitoring:
–BS (Goal < 150mg/dl)
–Ht > 21%
–CBC, creatinine…